
In order to meet demand for more high-quality HD and UHD video on more devices, TV operators, broadcasters and telcos need to adapt. There are also new digital formats to consider — for example, making the transition from MPEG-2 to MPEG-4/H.264/AVC, and eventually to HEVC.
And, when we think about this in tandem with the transition to OTT and the need for these players to become content aggregators, there are a plethora of operational complexities to contend with — all while managing budget constraints, and overhauling business models.
Being able to deliver more content, in higher quality, with the low levels of latency that viewers have become accustomed to, demands a solution that provides more bandwidth to carry this content — but does so in a way that does not incur additional OPEX costs.
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primary distribution

How do we help?

Reliability is at the core of our solutions. You can rest-assured that content will be delivered with near-perfect uptime. And, with space and power at a premium, operators, broadcasters and telcos can benefit from the multiple functionalities and density of our solutions that will save on rack space, cabling and energy.

Robust, mature products that enable simplified operations and reduce operational and capital expenses

Key functions such as modularity and hot-swap-ability make our systems easily upgradeable for the future

The highest performance in terms of power consumption, rack space efficiency and reliability

Making “plug-and-play” a reality: Once configured, it’s a matter of plugging cables and verifying that the system is complete

Why Appear?

We continuously push the boundaries of technology to unleash your true potential.

Power efficiency png

Power efficiency

With platforms that ensure 5 x less energy consumption than other market-leading solution providers.

Operational efficiency

Operational efficiency

With the most flexible and resilient platforms that minimise total cost of ownership.

Ultimate capacity

Ultimate capacity

With the densest, most scalable media processing and delivery solutions on the market.


Linear distribution applications

We cover a wide range of business cases for Linear Distribution:

Head-end distribution

Our modular head-end platforms for IPTV and broadcast, support content acquisition, compression, and stream processing.

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We offer advanced architecture solutions designed specifically for the hospitality sector. Delivering content to half a million hotel rooms.

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